Claybowl Pottery Developing decorative and functional ceramic artworks at Halls Gap in the Grampians, and helping others realise their creative potential with clay. Type : Our Creatives and Art Galleries
St Arnaud Community Cinema McDonald Hall, 40 Napier Street, St Arnaud 3478 Movies are screened fortnightly with school holiday matinees also screened, and monthly fundraising screenings. The cinema operation relies entirely on our community volunteers.Movies are screened fortnightly with school holiday matinees also screened, and monthly fundraising screenings. Type : Our Creatives and Art GalleriesSocial groups and Special interest clubs
St. Arnaud Arts Council Inc. The St. Arnaud Arts Council is an incorporated body run by enthusiastic volunteers who support performing artists, musicians, visual artists, photographers and the like to perform and showcase their work in St. Arnaud. Type : Our Creatives and Art GalleriesSocial groups and Special interest clubs
St. Arnaud Citizens Band Dundas Street St Arnaud, St Arnaud 3478 The Band consists of a group of players who enjoy playing music each week. Practice is always good fun with lots of laughter in between playing the music. Playing for the community is a major focus of the Band. Type : Our Creatives and Art Galleries
Stawell Performing Arts Company Inc The Stawell Performing Arts Company aims to provide an open opportunity for locals to perform, sing, act and dance Type : Our Creatives and Art Galleries
Stawell Railway Station Gallery 2 Napier St, Stawell 3380 The gallery is in the old Railway Station located within the township of Stawell. The gallery displays work by the members and visiting artists. On the last Sunday of every month we have the most delicious High Teas. Type : Our Creatives and Art Galleries
Stawell Vanuatu Community 11 Bennett Street, Stawell 3380 We are a Volunteering community group that would like to help other groups and organisations. Type : Our Creatives and Art GalleriesMuseums and Cultural SpacesChurchesCommunity centresSocial groups and Special interest clubs
The Work Room 2A Patrick Street Stawell Vic 3380, Stawell 3380 We support local artisans Type : Our Creatives and Art Galleries
WAMA Cnr Neal Road and Halls Gap - Ararat Road, Halls Gap, Halls Gap 3381 Nestled in the Grampians/Gariwerd foothills, WAMA is set to be Australia’s premier art and environment destination.We will soon welcome you to visit our gallery, shop and cafe at the National Centre for Environmental Art and to explore our Jallukar Native Grasslands and Endemic Botanic GardenWAMA will open to the public in early 2025. Type : Our Creatives and Art GalleriesMuseums and Cultural Spaces