What should we prioritise over the next four years? Community engagement on the 2025-2029 Council Plan is now open including registrations for a series of Discussion Forums being held in Stawell, St Arnaud, Halls Gap and Great Western. This is a great opportunity for those wanting to dig deeper into the insights provided through the Community Engagement Survey conducted during February.
Find out more
Council is the key contact for support for Northern Grampians Shire residents affected by the Grampians bushfire. Please click the below link for more information about accessing support, including links to relief payments and mental health services.
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Activities in culturally sensitive landscapes can cause significant harm to Aboriginal Cultural Heritage. The Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 prescribed the circumstances in which a Cultural Heritage Management Plan will be required.
A Cultural Heritage Management Plan is a written report containing the results of the assessment and recommendations for measures to be taken before, during and after an activity to manage and protect Aboriginal Cultural Heritage in an area.
A simple way to check whether a Cultural Heritage Management Plan is required for a proposed activity is to use the Aboriginal Heritage Planning Tool and follow the prompts: Aboriginal Heritage Planning Tool
It is advisable that this checklist is printed and submitted with the Cultural Heritage Declaration Form in an Application for Planning Permit.
If you would like further information please contact:
First Peoples - State Relations GPO 4912 MELBOURNE VIC 3001