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Why is there information on how to become an Australian citizen on council's website?
Citizenship ceremonies are administered by the council on behalf of the Department of Home Affairs Immigration and Citizenship.
Ceremonies in the Northern Grampians Shire are held by appointment.
You can become a citizen of Australia in different ways. You must meet set criteria before you apply. Learn about being an Australian citizen.
As an Australian citizen you have new responsibilities to:
As an Australian citizen you can:
At your Australian citizenship ceremony, you will make the Australian Citizenship Pledge. In doing so, you are making a public commitment to Australia and accepting the responsibilities and privileges of citizenship.
At the citizenship ceremony, you will pledge:
You do not become an Australian citizen until you have made your pledge of commitment to Australia.
How to apply for Australian Citizenship
For information on eligibility and how to apply, see "Become an Australian citizen."
Citizenship Information Line: 131 881 Northern Grampians Shire Council: 03 5358 8758