About local laws Council's local laws help us meet our objectives for a safe community and due process when using the Common Seal.
Audit and Risk Committee The Audit and Risk Committee is an independent advisory committee to council to assist with risk and financial responsibilities.
Child Safe Statement of Commitment Council is committed to being a child-safe organisation, with zero tolerance for child abuse. Read the council's commitment statement.
Council Committees Information about council's advisory groups including links to their Terms of Reference, minutes of meetings and any other relevant information.
Council Elections All the information on nominating as a candidate in a council election, enrolling for local council elections and voting in an election can be found here.
Council publications Council publications available for public viewing including annual reports, council plans, council budgets and other public documents.
Freedom of Information Under the FOI Act 1982 every person has the right to request access to documents held by council. The right of access is subject to exceptions and exemptions necessary to protect essential public and private interests.
Public Interest Disclosures A public interest disclosure is a complaint of improper conduct about a public body or public officer or the taking of detrimental action against a person making a disclosure by a public officer or body. Find out more on this page.
Public Notices To provide public notice on planning matters, proposed leases and sales of Council property, Council service changes, Council publications, Council meetings etc.
Public Registers In line with public transparency principles, council makes available a variety of information on our website to make it easily accessible to the community.