Under section 17 of the FOI Act, a request must meet three requirements to be valid:
- your request must be in writing;
- you must provide sufficient information about the documents you are requesting to enable us to identify and locate relevant documents; and
- you must pay the application fee, or if payment of the application fee would cause you hardship you can request us to waive the fee in full or in part.
Visit OVIC’s website for more information on how to make a valid FOI request.
An application to access documents can be made on the form provided: FOI application for access to documents form(PDF, 567KB) or in writing to council. Email applications are acceptable.
All requests for access to council documents under the FOI Act must provide such information as is reasonably necessary to enable the documents to be identified.
In accordance with Section 17(2B) of the FOI Act, you may ask for the application fee to be reduced or waived and if you apply for the application to be reduced or waived please supply evidence that payment would cause you hardship. (eg Health Care or Pension Concession card or other documentation)
Please note that your request may incur search and access charges in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Access Charges) Regulations 2014. You will be supplied with a statement of any applicable charges as your request progresses.
What documents are available?
Council makes a lot of documents available to the public already so before making a request for access, you should first view the list of documents in the FOI FOI Part II Statement that are available directly to the public and search our website.
You can ask for any documents held by the council; however, not all documents will be able to be provided, some or parts thereof may be exempt under the FOI Act for personal or business reasons.
Examples include:
- law enforcement documents
- confidential matters considered by council
- some internal working documents
- documents covered by legal professional privilege such as legal advice
- documents with personal information about other people
- documents with Commercial-in-confidence information or trade secrets
- information obtained in confidence.
Where a decision is made to refuse or defer access, you will be notified in writing of the reasons for denial/deferral. If you are not satisfied with the reasons you can seek a review from the Victorian Information Commissioner.
Your application may be refused if it is considered to be ‘voluminous in nature’, in that it would interfere unreasonably with the operations or performance of the council.
Before submitting your request, ring the FOI Officer on 03 5358 8700 or email foi.privacy@ngshire.vic.gov.au to discuss what you are after, how you want it, fees and charges, timelines, consultation with third parties and exempt documents.
Applicants are entitled to make a complaint to the Victorian Information Commissioner concerning any action taken or failed to have been taken by this agency in making the decision to disclose the information. The complaint must be made within 60 days after the action or conduct occurred.
For more information about FOI or the complaints process, see the Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner website.