Complete the survey

Council will be seeking the community's feedback via a Community Survey, which will be available between February 3 to February 28, 2025.

The survey aims to assess the level of importance and priority across council's key services and community responsibilities from the community's perspective. It also aims to reaffirm our 20-year Community Vision, which was developed in 2021 and provides a set of guiding principles to aid our decision-making. 

The survey is a critical component to the broader community engagement process, therefore we encourage everyone to participate if they can. It takes between 10-15mins to complete, which we appreciate can be hard to find during the day, so suggest sitting down with a cuppa or jumping online after the kids have gone to bed. 

You can contribute by completing the survey online via the link below, or in person by collecting a hard copy from one of our Customer Service offices or libraries in both Stawell and St Arnaud, Stawell Neighbourhood House or St Arnaud Resource Centre. You can also download a copy of the survey to print off at home via the link below. 

Ready to make a start? Simply click the link below to start the survey.

Want to download an offline copy? Click here(PDF, 3MB) to download a PDF file, then simply drop the completed survey into one of our Customer Service locations in Stawell or St Arnaud. 

Survey FAQs