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Northern Grampians Shire Council Emergency and After-Hours Number: 03 5358 8700.
Northern Grampians Shire Council Customer Support is open from Monday to Friday (except Public Holidays) between 8.30am and 4.45pm.
Please address all correspondence to:
Chief Executive Officer. PO Box 580, Stawell VIC 3380.
Municipal Emergency Management Plan(PDF, 892KB)
Municipal Fire Management Plan(PDF, 1MB)
Municipal Emergency Animal Welfare Plan(PDF, 354KB)
Information and support regarding council's response to the Coronavirus pandemic.
Information on fire preparedness, permits to burn, fire hazard inspections, and the Fire Danger Period.
Information on being prepared for and managing floods.
Information about extreme heat events and planning.
Information on Bushfire Places of Last Resort (also called Neighbourhood Safer Places) and designated locations within the Northern Grampians Shire.
To provide advice about how to get an unnamed road formally named and how to get a rural property address allocated to your residence.
Under the Emergency Management Act 1986 and 2013, municipal councils must establish a Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committee (MEMPC). The MEMPC is responsible for preparing, reviewing, and maintaining a Municipal Emergency Management Plan (MEMP).
Information and resources for community members affected by the October 2022 Floods.
Northern Grampians Shire Council is here to help residents affected by the Grampians bushfire, which was sparked by lightning strikes on December 17, 2024.