Recovery - 2024 Grampians Bushfires

Northern Grampians Shire Council is here to help residents affected by the Grampians bushfires, which was sparked by lightning strikes on December 17, 2024.

While the bushfire is not yet under control, we are in the process of moving from the response phase to the recovery phase.

Council will be the key contact for support and recovery for Northern Grampians Shire residents. Council leaders will prepare a recovery plan alongside an Incident Recovery and Planning Committee. Council will be working side-by-side with the community, partners including Regional Development Victoria, Emergency Recovery Victoria, Parks Victoria, Grampians Wimmera Mallee Tourism and our neighbouring councils.

The timeline for recovery is expected to be quite long given the extent of this fire and its ongoing nature. This page contains a range of support information and links and will be updated as more information comes to hand. 

Financial Support

If you have been impacted by the Victorian bushfires, starting December 17, 2024, there are two types of support payments you might be eligible for. Click on the below tabs for more information.

Disaster Recovery Allowance

The Disaster Recovery Allowance is an Australian Government income support payment. This payment is now available.

It is a short-term payment to help you if the Victorian bushfires directly affect your income.

You can get it for a maximum of 13 weeks. You will be paid from the date you started losing income as a direct result of the bushfires.

You have until June 23, 2025 to make a claim with the Australian Government for the following Local Government Areas (LGAs):

  • Ararat
  • Macedon Ranges
  • Northern Grampians
  • Southern Grampians

You can find out more about the payment and how to apply, here.

Emergency Relief Payments

An Emergency Relief Payment is a Victorian Government payment, jointly funded by the Australian Government. This payment is now available.

Emergency relief payments are designed to provide immediate financial help for eligible Victorians experiencing financial hardship due to the Victorian bushfires in Grampians National Park.

An emergency relief payment can help you to pay for things such as:

  • Food
  • Clothing
  • Medication
  • Accommodation

You are eligible for an emergency relief payment if:

  • Your principal place of residence was damaged or destroyed by the bushfire and you can’t live in it, or
  • Your principal place of residence was in an evacuation warning area, and you evacuated your property, and
  • You have unmet immediate relief needs.

You can find out more about the payment here.

To apply for a payment, call the VicEmergency Hotline on 1800 226 226 (press 9 for an interpreter).

We're pleased to announce that Halls Gap will re-open to visitors on Wednesday, January 8, following confirmation from the Deputy Incident Controller (IC).

Overnight rainfall on January 5 assisted to contain the fire with no significant fire activity recorded over the weekend either. As a result, the Horsham Incident Controller has deemed it safe for the public to return to Halls Gap.

Thank you for your continued support as we acknowledge how difficult this event has been for you all. Please know that we are doing all we can to support a coordinated approach to re-opening the area. Please do not hesitate to contact the Economic Development Team via or (03) 5358 9087 if you need assistance. 

Economic Impact Survey

The Economic Impact Survey for businesses is a critical tool in assessing the far-reaching impacts of the 2024-25 Grampians Bushfire which has caused significant devastation across the region. These impacts include economic, ecological, environmental, and physical and mental health challenges that profoundly affect community well-being.

The full scope of the disaster’s economic and social repercussions is still being assessed. Council is working closely with partner agencies, including Emergency Recovery Victoria, Regional Development Victoria, and Parks Victoria, to understand these challenges and guide recovery efforts. Your input is vital to shaping informed strategies for immediate recovery and building long-term resilience.

We encourage you to complete the survey online here. Council officers are also available to help you complete the survey should you need support. We can call you and explain things over the phone or alternatively sit with you in person to aid in completing the form. 

Why Your Participation Matters

The data gathered through this survey will:

  • Help build a comprehensive understanding of the disaster’s ongoing impacts
  • Inform targeted actions to address immediate needs
  • Shape long-term recovery strategies to strengthen community and economic resilience

We sincerely appreciate your engagement and support during this challenging time. Together, we can rebuild and restore the vibrancy of our community and local economy.

Please contact the Economic Development Team via or by calling (03) 5358 9087 if you need assistance completing the form.

If you or someone you know is feeling strong emotions there are some practical strategies you may find helpful, accessible through the links below.

The Victorian Government also has information on trauma and emergencies, and helpful strategies on how to best manage trauma for yourself or family members. Visit Better Health for more information.


  • Remember to prioritise your own and your family’s mental health and wellbeing, while also looking out for friends and neighbours who might also need extra support. 

  • Strong emotions are normal, especially during challenging times.  

  • Sharing your feelings with supportive people can make them easier to manage. 

  • While reflecting on what has happened is natural, also take time to recognise your strengths and the positive actions you took to stay safe during this time. 

  • Stay connected with others, even if you’re not ready to talk about the event. Try to avoid - or limit - using alcohol or drugs to cope. Instead, aim to prioritise your physical health with regular sleep, meals and hydration. 

  • Recovery is a gradual process, and everyone’s recovery journey will be unique to them.  

  • Over these holidays, try to set realistic expectations for yourself and your family, and reduce unnecessary demands on yourselves.  


  • Find someone you can talk to discuss what you’ve experienced, and how you’re feeling about it.  

  • Visit and chat to other farmers who know what it’s been like and what you’ve been through.  

  • Focus on doing the essential activities around the farm, such as feeding livestock.  

  • Try to get away from the farm for a few hours or a day, to give yourself a bit of a break.  

  • Try to stick to family routines too, stop for meals, take regular breaks.  

  • Talk to your partner and children, they will also need support.  

  • Try to attend local recovery events. 


Agriculture Victoria is working with fire agencies and impacted communities to assess any agricultural impacts from the fires in the Grampians National Park.

Its immediate focus is on any urgent animal welfare needs. If your property has been impacted and you have urgent animal welfare needs, please contact the VicEmergency Hotline on 1800 226 226.


You can follow these tips from the Department of Health:

After a fire - private drinking water and water tank safety

If essential water on your property was taken for firefighting purposes, you can submit an application for water replacement to the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action using this form:

Essential water replacement request authorisation form(DOCX, 75KB)

For more information on water and also rural fencing replacement, visit the Forest Fire Management Victoria website.


The RFCS service offers wellbeing support to help with mental stresses resulting from financial issues. RFCS Victoria West can help farmers and small business owners to:

· Develop strategies to cope with stress.

· Recognise signs of poor health in themselves and/or their workers.

· Set up a support network within family/friends/community.

· Identify groups/activities within the community that can help.

· Access health services through referrals.

– If you’re interested in speaking with a wellbeing counsellor, please contact RFCS Victoria West on 1300 735 578 or click here. 


The National Centre for Farmer Health is supporting primary producers through the delivery of initiatives to boost farmer mental health and wellbeing.

You can visit the NCFH for a range of mental health resources and information tailored for Victorian farmers and agricultural communities, here.


The Salvation Army offers a range of services and assistance measures to help people who have been impacted by bushfires including financial assistance, emotional wellbeing and support services, general support information, referrals and advice. 

You can find out more by visiting

Foundation for Rural Regional Renewal supports communities in remote, rural and regional communities across Australia to implement initiatives that prevent and prepare for future climate related impacts or recover from existing disasters through the medium to long term process.

Grants up to $25,000 are available for a broad range of initiatives to strengthen the capacity and capability of local people, organisations, networks, and systems that help communities to be informed, skilled, connected and resourced for the future. 

You can find out more by visiting