We are seeking expressions of interest from people who would like to explore the option of running a formal competition at the Stawell Sports and Aquatic Centre. If you are interested, please add your details to the form below and we'll be in contact should there be enough support.
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Northern Grampians Shire has a long history of flooding including a significant flood event in October 2022. This impacted the areas of Glenorchy, Great Western, Halls Gap, Marnoo, Navarre, and St Arnaud. For more information on this event please visit Flood Recovery.
The lead time to respond to a flood event may be limited. All households and businesses at risk of flooding should develop an emergency plan and be aware of their flood risk. Households and businesses should refer to their Local Flood Guide or Municipal Flood Emergency Plan for more information.
Please visit VICSES to view the Northern Grampians Shire Municipal Flood Emergency Plan, Halls Gap Local Flood Guide, Glenorchy Local Flood Guide, and other Northern Grampians Shire flood information.
VICSES is the responsible agency for flood, storm, and landslide emergencies.