Relief and Recovery Payment Information

If you have been impacted by the Grampians bushfires, there are two types of government support payments you might be eligible for which are outlined below. If you need assistance with navigating the eligibility criteria or need help completing the online forms, please reach out to and our team will help you. 

State and Federal Governments announced a $29 million support package on Tuesday, March 11, 2025 which includes assistance to facilitate immediate and long-term recovery efforts. This is in response to Council's submission for Category ‘D’ Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA) which was submitted for consideration on January 17.

The package features inclusions such as:

▪️$5,000 grants to small businesses and eligible primary producers;

▪️Business Recovery Advisory service which will be available on the ground through Business Victoria;

▪️$100,000 for Grampians Wimmera Mallee Tourism to deliver immediate industry support activities;

▪️$5 million for an early environmental recovery package; and

▪️Gate Fee Rebate Program so the community can dispose of waste from private properties relating to the impact of the bushfires free of charge.

You can read their full statement here

We recommend anyone wanting to stay up to date on the above to sign-up with Business Victoria via the link below. The grant application process and further details on how people can access the advisory service is still being confirmed, therefore adding your details to the Business Victoria database will ensure you receive updates in a timely manner. 

The Disaster Recovery Allowance is an Australian Government income support payment. This payment is now available.

It is a short-term payment to help you if the Victorian bushfires directly affect your income. You can get it for a maximum of 13 weeks. You will be paid from the date you started losing income as a direct result of the bushfires.

You have until June 23, 2025 to make a claim with the Australian Government for the following Local Government Areas (LGAs):

  • Ararat
  • Macedon Ranges
  • Northern Grampians
  • Southern Grampians
  • Horsham
  • Hindmarsh
  • West Wimmera

You can find out more about the payment and how to apply, here.

Council wishes to advise the community that Emergency Relief Payment applications concluded as of 5pm AEDT on Friday, March 7 following advice received from the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing on March 4, 2025.

Emergency relief payments were available through an initiative that was jointly funded by the Victorian and Australian Governments which the community accessed via the VicEmergency Hotline. They were provided to help meet urgent relief needs during and immediately after an emergency, however the region has now moved into the recovery phase. 

Council will continue to support impacted residents and community members over the coming weeks and months and may still be in a position to access this funding under extenuating personal circumstances. Should you need assistance please do not hesitate to get in touch by calling into our Community Recovery Centre based in Halls Gap to chat in person, or by dropping us an email via  

In a government-declared emergency, The Salvation Army offers hardship grants for urgent necessities. If you would like to access this support, contact council for a referral or drop into the recovery office at theHalls Gap Hub.