What should we prioritise over the next four years? Community engagement on the 2025-2029 Council Plan is now open. Complete the Community Engagement Survey before February 28 and make your voice heard.
Complete the survey here
Council is the key contact for support for Northern Grampians Shire residents affected by the Grampians bushfire. Please click the below link for more information about accessing support, including links to relief payments and mental health services.
Find out more
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Stawell U3A (University of the Third Age)
Term 4 Program: 4 October till 20 December 2022
Stawell U3A is a self-help group that offers classes in art and craft, general knowledge, music, German language studies, a book club and a social and exercise activities group. Classes are designed by members, for members, based on individual experience and group interests, providing an opportunity to learn from each other in a social setting.
Membership is open to residents of Northern Grampians Shire aged over 55 and is designed to encourage and support mutual development of knowledge, further social activities and enjoyment amongst our members.
We do welcome younger members if interested.
In this terms schedule, there will be a midterm social outing to James MacMurtrie Glassblowing in Pomonal, followed by lunch at Chalambar Golf Club in Ararat on 18 October as well as a Christmas lunch on 9 December.
Stawell Entertainment Centre, 59-69 main street, Stawell, 3380, View Map
59-69 main street , Stawell 3380
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