Planning Your Event

Northern Grampians Shire Council is supportive of events that celebrate the diversity and vibrance of our community and environment.

Through the registration process, the council offers support by assisting where possible to ensure that all the necessary applications and permits for a safe and inclusive event are addressed. Please download our Planning-Your-Event(PDF, 3MB) information booklet for easy access to the information that you need to plan your event.

Event registration requirements

The following documents are required for every event held in Northern Grampians Shire. These documents will be requested as part of the registration process and you will need to upload them: 

Risk Assessment(DOCX, 177KB) – A risk is anything that may occur which will reduce or threaten the ability to run a successful, as planned event. Whilst planning for your event, you will need to conduct a thorough risk assessment including implementing controls to eliminate the hazard or reduce the risk. This assessment will assist you in holding and managing a compliant and safe workplace for staff and volunteers as well as protecting the public and the council/community asset. The council has a template available for download under the Related Information tab.

Emergency Management Plan(DOCX, 33KB) – This plan is different from the risk assessment as it is created to minimise the threat to life and damage to assets by detailing the specific responses and organised procedures that should be undertaken during an emergency. The council has a template available for download under the Related Information tab.

Certificate of Currency of Insurance – All public events held within Northern Grampians Shire require current Public Liability Insurance for the full duration of the event. This includes the setting up and packing up period. Events, activities, or construction that have a likelihood of causing damage or personal injury must have public liability insurance of at least $20 million. Other amounts will be considered where there is no likelihood of damage or injury.

Event organisers are responsible for the safety of event participants and spectators at all times during their event. The council will not accept liability for personal injury, loss or damage that may occur to participants, third parties or their property as a result of holding an event.  

An event that is held on council land or in a council building and/or is open to the public must be registered with the council. Your events may also require a venue booking, which can be arranged by calling our Customer Support Team on 03 5358 8700. We recommend that you make a tentative booking for your venue of choice while you complete the event registration. The only type of event exempt from registration is an invitation only private event that is being held on private land.

Public Facilities - Food, toilets, waste

Additional permit requirements

Other event planning considerations