First Aid - Event organisers have a duty of care to all attendees, volunteers, and staff that attend an event and must ensure that sufficient first aid assistance is available for the duration of the event. An experienced First Aid Service Provider will be able to assist you with determining the most suitable amount of first aid required for your event. When planning the location of the first aid tent you need to consider the location is well signed, easily located, and accessible for all attendees. The location of the first aid tent should also have easy access for ambulance and other emergency vehicles. All incidents are required to be recorded on incident/accident report forms.
Accessibility - Event organisers must consider accessibility as your event must be accessible to everyone. An important part of the planning is to access the site and put into place measures that achieve this. Some items to consider are:
- Signage and advertising and Auslan sign language interpreters
- Seating and inclusion of accessible toilet facilities
- Inclusive vendors and activity providers that offer services that cover a variety of abilities
- Sealed pathways and wide entry/exit points
- Ensure the event layout provides for ease of access and mobility
- Provide parking close to the event for people with access needs
- Check that there is a clear path to the event from the aforementioned allocated parking
- Ask attendees if there are any accessibility requirements when registering, if applicable, to give you time to adjust or make provisions
- Outline the accessibility features of the event you have chosen on promotional material such as maps or invitations
- Consider noise levels and provision of quiet areas for those with sensory issues
- Use pictures or symbols alongside words on signage and information points
Tickets and Pre-booking - If you are planning a large event or have booked a space with limited capacity it may be worth considering making online booking compulsory. This ensures you can cap your attendance numbers to meet your maximum capacity and can also assist with larger events in planning many of the items mentioned previously. It is also a great way of being able to contact attendees of any event updates, rescheduling or cancellations.
Site Plan Maps - If your event is large and requires having a first aid area, information tent, and other key areas, an easy to interpret map should be available for attendees, staff, and contractors. Items to consider including on the map are:
- Event name, address, date, and time
- Significant geographical points
- Compass point location legend and key
- Boundaries
- Entry/exit
- Emergency access
- Drinking water, toilets, and first aid facilities
- Parking and accessible parking
- Stall holders, licensed area, and food/seating areas
- Activities, amusements, and stage areas
Promotion of Your Event - We can assist in promoting your event through our events calendar and Discover Northern Grampians social media platform. To assist us to inform the community, please fill out our Promote Your Event form and include a flyer, any .jpg pictures, links to social media and/or ticket providers and contact name, number and email for the event.
Other options for promoting your event are through social media including local sites such as Northern Grampians Events.
Noise - Event organisers need to consider the surrounding area and effectively manage noise levels to ensure noise remains within prescribed limits, particularly in residential areas and around stock. Location of high noise areas and speakers can assist with noise management. For further information, please visit the EPA website Environment Protection Authority Victoria.
Extreme weather events - In the case of unforeseen or extreme weather events such as heat or rain, an event may be postponed or cancelled. If this occurs, alternate arrangements and proposed communications should be covered in your risk management plan. If you have booked a council venue or facility, you will need to contact the council and confirm that the facility is available for any proposed reschedule dates and times and to update or submit a new event registration as necessary.
If a weather event causes a postponement or cancellation of an event, the event organiser must complete due diligence to ensure all costs are covered by your insurance.
Land-borne inflatable devices (eg jumping castles, slides) - on the advice of the council's insurers, the council does not allow land-borne inflatable devices, eg jumping castles, to be used at events on council owned and managed land.