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Published on 19 December 2022
Northern Grampians Shire Council have confirmed the selection of a new CEO, with confirmation made at an unscheduled council meeting on 19 December.
Newly selected CEO, Brent McAlister, has more than 25 years senior local government experience across both Australia and New Zealand, predominantly in rural and regional councils.
A qualified town planner, Brent has expertise leading innovative council economic development initiatives, addressing housing needs and rolling out marketing campaigns.
He spent a decade at the Lismore City Council in New South Wales where he led the 2017 flood recovery and, more recently, led the Wellington Shire Council in Gippsland through a successful rebranding, addressing their acute housing shortage, establishing a major Sale airshow event and getting the shire ready for the renewable energy boom.
Brent is married with five adult daughters and one granddaughter in the Ballarat region. His personal interests include lake swimming and playing sport in the role of goalkeeper.
Excited about making a difference, Brent is looking forward to taking on the challenges of the CEO role, addressing the housing shortage and attracting workers to the region. He plans to complete what he calls a ‘listening tour’ in order to develop strong relationships and learn about the challenges facing the Northern Grampians.
Brent is expected to start on 13 February 2023.
Quote attributable to Mayor Cr Kevin Erwin:
“We are pleased to announce the successful appointment of Brent McAlister as CEO of Northern Grampians Shire Council. Brent has many years of experience working with rural and regional councils and is keen to get to work assisting us to address the key issues that our shire faces. On behalf of council, I would like to congratulate Brent and welcome him to Northern Grampians.”