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Published on 10 December 2024
Pictured: Ryan and Sophie are in the running to win prizes as part of the BIG Summer Read challenge, on now at Stawell and St Arnaud library branches.
Northern Grampians Libraries staff are inviting families to spend their summer holidays with their noses in a few good books – and potentially win a prize along the way.
Stawell and St Arnaud library branches are again participating in the BIG Summer Read, an annual reading challenge created by Public Libraries Victoria.
The challenge started on December 1 and runs until January 31.
Now in its fourth year, the BIG Summer Read has grown to include all public library services in Victoria, along with services in New South Wales, Tasmania and Queensland.
In 2023, more than 16,000 young readers read more than 220,000 books.
Northern Grampians Shire mayor, Karen Hyslop, encouraged families to sign up for the challenge by visiting Stawell or St Arnaud library branches.
The challenge is open to participants up to the age of 18, including independent and non-independent readers.
“What a wonderful way to encourage reading over the holidays,” Cr Hyslop said.
“Research shows the wide-ranging benefits of being read to, so we are also encouraging parents or caregivers to sign up their little ones and read aloud to them over the summer.
"They or their parents simply log every book they read, that is read to them or is listened to as an audio book.
"Return your reading logs to go in the draw for some great prizes, including the major prize of a $50 gift card at each library.”
Cr Hyslop said Public Libraries Victoria developed the BIG Summer Read in response to research identifying a ‘summer slide’.
“This refers to the loss of literacy skills over the summer holidays when children do not read,” she said.
“According to Public Libraries Victoria, it is estimated that on average, children will lose the equivalent of two to three months of reading proficiency if they do not engage with reading across the holiday period.
“Public libraries are in a great position to help combat the summer slide and I’m pleased to see we have already had interest in the BIG Summer Read from people in our library community.”
More than a dozen families have signed up since the start of December, including challenge newcomers and familiar faces.
People can click here for more information about what’s on offer at Stawell and St Arnaud branches.