The Financial Plan reports what council is projecting to spend over the course of the next ten years in order to continue to deliver services, maintain and renew existing assets as well as build new infrastructure. It provides a financial view of the next 10 years for council of:
- what we will do
- how much it may cost
how we will fund it
We have an obligation to our future community, and we want to ensure we can respond to future events, opportunities, and pressures. Every dollar spent over the next ten years will need to be matched by an equivalent income source. Sourcing sufficient income to fund the projected expenditure is important to demonstrate that the Financial Plan is sustainable over the ten year period.
We want our community to understand how the Financial Plan is put together, the decisions involved and where the money goes to deliver services to the community. Pressures on our budget are changing all the time, which means we are always making decisions about what is in and out of the budget – we don’t want to spend more than we can afford!