North Park Master Plan

North Park Reserve is located in Lamont Street Stawell, in the Northern Grampians Shire. Situated on Crown Land, the site features a number of sport and recreation facilities suitable for football, cricket, netball, soccer, tennis, fire brigade training and athletics. There are also three pavilions on site; a new multi-purpose clubroom that is used primarily by football, netball, and cricket clubs, and a clubroom used by Stawell Amateur Athletics Club.

In 2011, council endorsed the North Park Multi-Purpose Precinct Development Plan outlining a future for North Park as a 'vibrant community hub which provides physical, social, economic, and environmental benefits to the Stawell community.'

Northern Grampians Shire Council has been successful in implementing several recommendations from the previous plan but has since identified the need to take a fresh look at North Park. The new future-ready plan will take into consideration those challenges that were not yet foreseeable at the time of the previous plan’s development.

The purpose of the master plan is to provide an understanding of any current and potential future site usage, and enable council to consult, plan and design in a structured and informed manner. This plan:

• Identifies active and passive opportunities, including those linked to Central Park and Cato Park.

• Identifies existing and future capability and design options to ensure sustainable recreation provision.

• Supports investment at North Park to transform current siloed infrastructure into an integrated and well-connected precinct for active and passive recreation.

The North Park Master plan was adopted by Council on 5 December 2022. The full version of the master plan can be accessed to the right-hand side of this page. 



Completed Actions

Key achievements include:

  • Renewal of the synthetic athletics track, completed 2018

  • A new dog park, completed December 2020

  • A new multi-purpose pavilion, completed April 2021

  • New netball courts, completed June 2022

  • Demolition of old football change rooms, completed December 2022

  • Surfacing of carpark surrounding netball courts, completed December 2022

  • Soccer pitch/athletic track lighting, completed December 2022

  • Stawell skate park redevelopment, completed August 2023

  • New community garden, completed June 2023

Current projects:


What is proposed

The following key directions are recommended for North Park, designed to benefit both the wider community and user groups. An implementation plan has been prepared to guide the development of the master plan with delivery of funded projects identified in the short-term (0 to 3 years), and proposed improvements programmed in the medium (4 to 7 years) to long-term (8 to 10 years). 

  • Bollard and pedestrian crossing to restrict car traffic except for on game day. (Short)
  • Construct a fence that extends along the steep slope toward residential properties on Ellen Street, at the southern end of the reserve, which is subject to erosion and dangerous for pedestrian access. (Short)
  • New play space, with half-court basketball court for children and young people, that is graduated with both accessible and nature play opportunities. Incorporate the three existing Ash trees in the play space/open space area. (Short)
  • Demolish the old clubrooms when no longer required. Replace with open space, new play space, and gravel car park area along the oval boundary line for spectator viewing. The open space precinct will include an increase in shade to support spectator and school use at organised sports facilities and along the pathway network. This will create places of refuge from the sun and encourage informal play, walking and social gathering. (Short)
  • Build on the existing pathway, creating a fitness track that connects activity areas and encourages walking, running and riding. (Medium)
  • Redevelop the Stawell Sports and Aquatic Centre, in line with the council decision that was informed by the feasibility study. (Medium)
  • Improve the entrances to the reserve. This could include changing the treatment of fencing, increasing planting and upgrading signage. (Medium)
  • Provide way finding and interpretive signage at entrances and along trail network. (Medium)
  • Create a picnic spot with a shelter and picnic tables on the low berm/rim associated with several Gum trees west of the athletics field. (Long)
  • Improve the connection (site lines, functional link) between North Park and the Stawell Sports and Aquatic Centre as part of the future development of the aquatic centre. This should include improvements to pathway, landscaping and fence treatment. (Long)