What does the Stawell Sports & Aquatic Centre currently provide?
The centre operates a busy program of aquatics, sports and gym based services. The centre has more than 50,000 visits per year! The SSAC website with further information can be found here:
Stawell Sports & Aquatic Centre Webpage
I’m not a member or a user, can I be involved in the engagement and have my say?
Absolutely, this is an opportunity for all community members to participate in the design of the facility into the future.
Aquatic centre redevelopments are expensive, how can council afford this?
New aquatic centres can cost between $50 - $70 million, and redevelopments can cost between $20 - $30 million.
Throughout this process we need to be realistic in the scale of the redevelopment to ensure a commitment of funds to undertake the works is within reach. This will need to be below the average cost of metropolitan developments.
Is the redevelopment for the facilities or programs that SSAC run?
Both. It’s important to find out how the community wants to use our leisure and recreation facilities in the future, so any redevelopment reflects our community’s priorities.