Youth Strategy

What is the purpose of the strategy?

The strategy will provide overall direction for Council and its work with young people into the future. Young people are the future of our community, and we want them to thrive and love where they live. To achieve this, we are listening to their ideas, concerns and priorities for Northern Grampians Shire. 

Update on the Youth Strategy

Following an extensive process of research and community engagement, Northern Grampians Shire Council endorsed the Youth Strategy 2024-28 at the 7 August 2024 Council Meeting.

Click here(PDF, 5MB) to view the official Youth Strategy.

Community Engagement on the Youth Strategy Survey - now closed.

We are very pleased to present a draft of the Youth Strategy to young people and our wider Northern Grampians Shire community.

Click here(PDF, 3MB) to view the strategy.

This strategy has been collaboratively developed with young people who live, work, study or play in Northern Grampians Shire, council staff, service providers to young people, parents and carers of young people, and the community. This process was coordinated by a project reference group with representatives from Council, council staff, schools and service providers to young people.

We would like to invite you to view the Youth Strategy draft and attend a community feedback session on one of the dates below:

St Arnaud
Date: Wednesday 10 July
Time: 1pm - 3pm
Venue: St Arnaud Library

Date: Thursday 11 July
Time: 12pm - 2pm
Venue: Stawell Town Hall (at the Arcad-I-Con event)

Alternatively, you can reach out via the contact details included.