Sloane Street Development


In August 2021, after a period of community consultation and a call for expressions of interest, council resolved to sell the allotment at the corner of Sloane and Cahill Streets in Stawell to PassivePlace Ltd.  

PassivePlace is now contracted by council as the developer for the Sloane Street development project in Stawell.

In December 2022, PassivePlace finalised their designs for one- and two-bedroom display homes, which are designed with, and are currently being built using, passive house principles.

The homes that are delivered as part of the five-year development will be the first in Victoria to be certified by One Planet Living and will be the first Net Zero Community in Australia. 



Project background

Northern Grampians Shire Council has established that there is a need to provide for residential growth in Stawell through the development of eight hectares of council owned land fronting Sloane Street, Stawell.

The development of the site is intended to create a vibrant physical environment, which will be seen as a model for residential development throughout regional centres and encourage community pride.

The site is located in close proximity to the Western Highway and consists of eight hectares located in Crown Allotments 1 and 2 Section B in the Parish of Stawell, as listed in the Certificate of Title Volume 9571 Folio 453. Rezoned in 2013 to a Residential 1 Zone, the site is serviced, sits on a gentle slope overlooking the Grampians and Black Ranges.

About the developer