The Stawell Future Growth Area Master Plan

Project Overview

The Future Growth Area Master Plan is required to investigate the suitability, housing yield, number of years and staging for rezoning of land identified in 'future residential growth area' identified in the Stawell Structure Plan. The main long term growth front of Stawell has been identified south of the township along Sloane Street. It is likely that this land can accommodate the majority of Stawell’s greenfield development demand over the next 30 years and beyond. The 135ha precinct has the potential to accommodate the majority of population and housing growth within the Shire for the next 30-50 years.

This work will enable Council to consider an Amendment to the Planning Scheme to:

  • Amend Clause 11.01-1L Settlement - Northern Grampians to include the Stawell Structure Plan.
  • Include in the Schedule to Clause 74.02 Further Strategic Work the further strategic work to require to be undertaken prior to any residential rezoning in the 'Urban Growth Investigation Area' including assessments of native vegetation, bushfire risk, flooding, drainage, infrastructure, sewer servicing, community and social infrastructure, development contributions requirements and any other matters relevant.
  • Include in the planning scheme future planning requirements for the 'Urban Growth Investigation Area' such as the preparation of a structure plan, to ensure land use and development outcomes are well considered, respond to the strategic assessment undertaken for the area, supports staged long-term growth and delivers liveable neighbourhoods.

The process will involve 3 phases on stakeholder engagement.

Phase 1: Targeted engagement with landowners.

Phase 2: Test emerging issues and opportunities through general and targeted engagement using a mix of surveys, workshops (TBC), pop-up listening posts and one on one interview. 

Phase 3:  Submission on final Growth Area Master Plan.