Stawell Flood Study

Local flood study modelling and mapping of Stawell flood events


This council led project is mapping flooding throughout the Stawell township to identify any options to manage water flows into the future.

Project Timeline

Collect Data - Complete

The initial stage of the flood study was to collect data which was utilised to inform the hydraulic models. Council received community feedback to confirm the model's accuracy, including:

  • Photos from the 2011 event 

  • Observations or remarks about the accuracy of the model 

  • Suggestions for flood mitigation for future events 

September 2023 – October 2023

Consultation Outcomes

What you said

What we did

Flood shown on property at Short Street unlikely to reach extents shown

Revisited model inputs

Flood water reaches the front fence during large events on Mareli Street

Revisited model inputs

Water flows through backyards between Freeland Avenue and Warren Street

Test to see if enlargement of Grant Street basin would reduce flooding in backyards

Flooding doesn’t reach the shed on Holloway Road East

Incorporated the observation into the model

Clean up area in waterway crossing Ararat Road near Sloane Street

Investigate whether this is feasible

Properties near Franklin Street experience flooding. The drain between Lillian Street and Clifton Avenue requires clearing.

Test to see if enlargement of Clifton Avenue culverts assists in drainage. Assess options for improving drainage infrastructure to reduce flooding.

Flood extents reach low lying parts only of the paddock at the rear of Ormston Road property. No buildings currently sited on this part of the paddock.

Incorporated the observation into the model. Possible future overlays to ensure only appropriate development occurs.

Flooding not experienced at Clifton Avenue

Revisited model inputs

Area around house, road easement and lot at White Street not flooded

Revisited model inputs

Flooding of property occurs near Oregan and William Streets intersection

Test improved pit catchment rates and consider construction of kerb and channel


Floor Level Survey - Underway

Some members of the community will be approached by council to have the floor levels of their homes surveyed. This information is used to identify which dwellings may be at risk of inundation. 

Mid 2024 

Develop Flood Maps

The design model has been created using the information provided by the community. WaterTechnology has created flood maps which will be uploaded to the council website by 10 June 2024. The community will have the chance to offer feedback for the final report online from 10 June onwards, or to drop into an information booth at the Stawell Library on 13 June.

Mid 2024   

Test Flood Mitigation Options and Finalise Flood Study

Flood mitigation options will be developed in response to community feedback and a report and flood maps summarising the findings of the study will be provided to the community.

Late 2024