Sloane Street Road Safety Project

Northern Grampians Shire Council received $1,811,779 in funding under the 2023-24 Australian Government Black Spot Program. There has been a high rate of vehicle accidents on Sloane Street in Stawell and this funding is aimed at reducing the risk of further accidents. Works will involve speed reductions, new roundabouts, new center medians, new kerb outstands, improved signage and improved safety for pedestrians and cyclists. The works will be at multiple locations along Sloane Street from Patrick Street to the Western Highway. Works will take place over the coming months with all works to be completed by the end of 2024. 

Project One - Sloane Street and Patrick Street Intersection Safety Works

Works involve installing kerb outstands to improve sight distance at the intersection. Bicycle lanes will be installed, and pedestrian facilities improved.


Project Two - Sloane Street and Maud Street Intersection Safety Works

Works involve installing kerb outstands to improve sight distance at the intersection.


Project Three - Sloane Street and Wakeham Street Intersection Safety Works 

Works involve installing kerb outstands to improve sight distance at the intersection. Bicycle lanes will be installed and pedestrian facilities improved.


Project Four - Sloane Street and Shirreff Street Roundabout

Works involve the installation of a new roundabout at the Shirreff Street intersection. This will provide a much safer intersection for all road users. Works also include the installation of median islands at Dawson Street.


Project Five - Sloane Street and Brown Street Intersection Safety Works 

Works involve installing kerb outstands to improve sight distance at the intersection. Bicycle lanes will be installed and pedestrian facilities improved.


Project Six - Sloane Street and Cooper Street Roundabout

Works involve the installation of a new roundabout at the Cooper Street intersection. This will provide a much safer intersection for all road users.


Project Seven - Construction of Bike Lanes from Cooper Street to the Western Highway

Road widening will be undertaken to accommodate for bike lanes on both sides of Sloane Street from the Western Highway to Cooper Street. 

Project Eight - Speed Reduction Along Sloane Street

The speed along Sloane Street currently varies from 50km/h to 60km/h. It is proposed that Sloane Street should be made 50km/h from Patrick Street to Cooper Street. The section of Sloane Street from Cooper Street to the Western Highway will remain at 60km/h. This section will be assessed again once development in this area has been completed. 

Project timelines

Inform community on proposed works 

October 2023

Complete detailed design for projects

December 2023


February 2024 to December 2024