Barking dogs

What you can do

Dogs bark for a reason and there are many ways that excessive barking can be managed. If you have a problem with a neighbor's dog, or if your own dog is barking too much, here is some information that may help.

Under the law, barking is considered a nuisance if it happens persistently or if it continues to such an extent that it unreasonably interferes with the peace and convenience of other people. Occasional barking is not enough to lodge a formal complaint with the council.

For further information about barking dogs and responsible pet ownership, please refer to the barking dog brochure(PDF, 4MB) or contact the Community Safety Team on 03 5358 9096. 

If your neighbour's dog is barking too much, try talking to the owner first. They may not even be aware of the problem, especially if the dog is only barking when they are out. You may be able to help them identify why the dog is barking. Only contact the council as a last resort, as there are many other ways to resolve the problem.

If you do lodge a complaint, the council will ask you to keep a diary for two consecutive weeks to document how often and for how long the dog barks. This information becomes useful evidence if a court prosecution becomes necessary.  If you lodge a complaint via our Barking Dog Nuisance Complaint Form below, an officer will contact you regarding your complaint to discuss further.

Barking Dog Nuisance Complaint Form >>

Download a Barking Dog Diary Template(PDF, 108KB).  

Once the diary is complete, please email

If you own a dog that barks excessively, it is often a sign that something is wrong. The first step in solving the problem is to determine why your dog is barking. Reasons may include:

  • Boredom, loneliness or frustration due to a lack of company, exercise or mental stimulation.
  • To seek attention, especially if they are bored or lonely.
  • To alert or warn you of something it thinks might be a threat - including the postman, noises or movement outside the property.
  • Some dog breeds may be more inclined to bark.
  • Fear, eg. fear driven by thunder, fireworks, or other loud noises.
  • Medical reasons, eg. fleas, allergy or illness.
  • Physical reasons, eg. if hot, cold, hungry or thirsty.

Depending on why your dog is barking, you may need to take several actions to help solve the problem. These include:

  • Take your dog on more frequent walks.
  • Make the backyard environment more interesting - provide toys and large raw marrow bones to chew.
  • Take your dog to obedience classes.
  • Block the dog's view of movement outside the property.
  • Make sure your dog is in good health.
  • Undertake dog training to tackle the reason for barking.

The use of barking collars which produce an electric shock are illegal within the state of Victoria and penalties apply.

For more information, visit or call 136 186 (for the cost of a local call).