We are seeking expressions of interest from people who would like to explore the option of running a formal competition at the Stawell Sports and Aquatic Centre. If you are interested, please add your details to the form below and we'll be in contact should there be enough support.
Register now
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Northern grampians Shire Council works hard to maintain our neat and tidy towns, communities and rural environments.
Littering and illegally dumped rubbish is unsightly and disrespectful to the environment, community and our people.
It is an offence to litter or illegally dump rubbish.
If you have concerns about littering anywhere in the municipality, please contact our Community Safety Department to discuss, or complete the online form below. If you see any illegal dumping of rubbish on roadsides or in public places, please ring the Community Safety Officer immediately on 03 5358 8700.
Littering/illegal dumping report form >>