Transfer stations

Please note:

Halls Gap and St Arnaud transfer stations only accept cash.

All transfer stations are closed Good Friday, Christmas Day and on declared Code Red days. Stawell is also closed on New Year's Day. 

There are three transfer stations within the Northern Grampians Shire: St Arnaud, Stawell, and Halls Gap. Council operates both the St Arnaud and Halls Gap transfer stations and Wimmera Mallee Waste operates the transfer station in Stawell.

Our transfer station gate fees are calculated using a uniform subsidy which ensures transfer station users and council contribute an equal amount to the cost of waste management. This means the amount you are asked to pay at the transfer station gate is equal to the amount that council also contributes towards disposing of, or recycling, that item.



Note: Asbestos and commercial/industrial loads are not accepted at any of council's transfer stations but can be deposited at either the Pomonal Road Landfill or Dooen Landfill by making an appointment with the landfill operators directly.

Stawell Regional Landfill - Cleanaway 03 9541 4714

Dooen Landfill - Horsham Rural City Council 03 5382 9777


To view transfer station locations and opening hours, please select your preferred transfer station below