Eligibility criteria
To be eligible for an Arts and Culture Grant, applicants are required to:
Be based in, or demonstrate their project or initiative has a direct benefit to the residents of, Northern Grampians Shire.
Be able to demonstrate financial viability and competence.
Not already be receiving substantial support from council.
Be able to demonstrate compliance with the council’s regulatory requirements.
Provide evidence of Liability Insurance. Events, activities, or construction that have a likelihood of causing damage or personal injury must have public liability insurance (of at least $20 million). Other amounts will be considered where there is no likelihood of damage or injury.
Applicants will not be eligible if:
Organisations or groups are based outside the Northern Grampians Shire, unless proven that the project will be of benefit to residents of Northern Grampians Shire.
Applicants have already received substantial grants funding within the same financial year.
Applicant is an individual applying for funds.
Funds are contributing towards operating costs e.g., wages/utilities.
The funding is clearly the responsibility of other spheres of government i.e., Arts and Culture Victoria.
Projects duplicate other locally available services or resources.
The project or initiative has commenced prior to the date on which the funds are released.
Applications are for ongoing or recurrent funding.