Council is the key contact for support for Northern Grampians Shire residents affected by the Grampians bushfire. Please click the below link for more information about accessing support, including links to relief payments and mental health services.
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The Economic Impact Survey is for businesses to aid in assessing the far-reaching impacts of the 2024-25 Grampians Bushfire which has caused significant devastation across the region. If you own or operate a business in our region, please click on the link below to complete the survey.
Complete survey
Northern Grampians Shire Council provides opportunities for local community not-for-profit groups and organisations that align with our Arts and Culture Strategy objectives to create:
In alignment with the Arts and Culture Strategy 2020-2024 and Public Art Guidelines 2024 objectives, projects and initiatives needed to focus on one of the following priority areas:
Activities that help raise the profile of arts and culture in the shire.
Applications for Arts and Culture Grant funding can be up to $5000.
Funding for Arts and Culture Grant projects will open on November 11, 2024 and close December 9, 2024.
To be eligible for an Arts and Culture Grant, applicants are required to:
Be a not for profit or incorporated body with an ABN or be auspiced by a not for profit or incorporated body with an ABN and be able to provide documentation demonstrating the auspice agreement.
Be based in, or demonstrate their project or initiative has a direct benefit to the residents of, Northern Grampians Shire.
Be able to demonstrate financial viability and competence.
Not already be receiving substantial support from council.
Be able to demonstrate compliance with the council’s regulatory requirements.
Provide evidence of Liability Insurance. Events, activities, or construction that have a likelihood of causing damage or personal injury must have public liability insurance (of at least $20 million). Other amounts will be considered where there is no likelihood of damage or injury.
Organisations or groups are based outside the Northern Grampians Shire, unless proven that the project will be of benefit to residents of Northern Grampians Shire.
Applicants have already received substantial grants funding within the same financial year.
Applicant is an individual applying for funds.
Funds are contributing towards operating costs e.g., wages/utilities.
The funding is clearly the responsibility of other spheres of government i.e., Arts and Culture Victoria.
Projects duplicate other locally available services or resources.
The project or initiative has commenced prior to the date on which the funds are released.
Applications are for ongoing or recurrent funding.
Previous funding received from the council has not been acquitted satisfactorily.
Applicants MUST speak to a member of the Community Development Team to ensure you are applying for the most suitable grant.
Before submitting your Arts and Culture Grant application it is helpful to:
The appropriate acquittal form will be available in your Smarty Grants account once you have received your funds. The form is due one month after the specified completion date detailed in your application form.
Public art projects across the shire are required to be submitted for review.
If you have chosen the grant priority Design and/or deliver smaller scale public art, including murals, to activate public spaces your project is required to be submitted for review. Assessment criteria can be found in the Public Art Guidelines 2024.
Final designs can be submitted for review using the Public Art Review Form.
The designs are reviewed by the NGSC internal working group and the Public Art Reference Group.
For more information about Public Art and the Public Art Reference Group (PARG) visit the Public Art webpage.
Arts-and-Culture-Grant-Guidelines-November-2024.pdf(PDF, 850KB)
Public-Art-Guidelines-2024.pdf(PDF, 448KB)