Council is the key contact for support for Northern Grampians Shire residents affected by the Grampians bushfire. Please click the below link for more information about accessing support, including links to relief payments and mental health services.
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Check out some of our past community grant recipients and how grants have benefited individuals, sporting clubs and community groups.
Local Student Athletes Tessa O’Callaghan (Stawell Warriors/North Ballarat FNC), Sophie Bibby (Navarre FNC) & Tom Walker (Wendouree Cross Country Club) each received $500 to assist them in furthering their sporting endeavours. The grants enabled Tessa, Sophie and Tom to represent their chosen sports at the highest level. and assisted with travel and accommodation costs for both the athletes and their families travelling interstate to compete.
Tessa received assistance to attend the BFNL Netball Gold-Coast Elite Talent Squad, representing North Ballarat.
Sophie received assistance to represent Navarre Football Netball Club at the AFL Goldfields 2018 Interstate Trip.
Tom received assistance to attend the Australian Cross Country Championships in Queensland. Representing Wendouree Cross Country Club
Working with Ararat Shire and East Grampians Health, The Grampians Food Alliance, Coordinated by Grampians Pyrenees Primary Care Partnership, received $1000 to provide community based ‘Eat My Street’ planting parties encouraging community awareness for health, gardening or both in 7 locations around the Northern Grampians Shire engaging with both businesses and households. Materials and produce were sourced locally and the program aimed to engage non traditional groups and establish an ongoing strategy for residents to initiate growing their own food.
St Arnaud Hockey Club received $1500 to run a family friendly social night for the club members and supporters. Their annual ‘Kids Night’ offered inclusive activities for all ages and this year as a result of their community grant were also able to provide a free outdoor cinema experience for all attendees.
St Arnaud Netball Club received $5000 to contribute towards to cost of building an undercover viewing area for home and visiting teams, officials and spectators as well as a safe play area in the Lord Nelson Park
Sporting Precinct.