Please note that our offices will be closed for the Australia Day Public Holiday on Monday, January 27, 2025. For urgent matters, please call (03) 5358 8700.
Council is the key contact for support for Northern Grampians Shire residents affected by the Grampians bushfire. Please click the below link for more information about accessing support, including links to relief payments and mental health services.
Find out more
The Economic Impact Survey is for businesses to aid in assessing the far-reaching impacts of the 2024-25 Grampians Bushfire which has caused significant devastation across the region. If you own or operate a business in our region, please click on the link below to complete the survey.
Complete survey
Apply for Full Membership which provides access to the complete collection, or Online Membership which provides access to the electronic collection only, such as e-books, streaming services and databases.
After applying, please come to the library with your ID to collect your library card. If you're under the age of 18, or have a carer/guardian, a parent or guardian’s signature will also be required.
You will be able to use your membership immediately.
Will my library alert me if I have overdue items?
If items are 6 days overdue the library will contact you by email, SMS or letter, depending on what you have specified. When items are 28 days overdue the library will send you a letter with the replacement costs.