Library memberships

Not a member?

Apply for Full Membership which provides access to the complete collection, or Online Membership which provides access to the electronic collection only, such as e-books, streaming services and databases.

After applying, please come to the library with your ID to collect your library card. If you're under the age of 18, or have a carer/guardian, a parent or guardian’s signature will also be required.

You will be able to use your membership immediately.

Will my library alert me if I have overdue items?

A reminder email or text is sent 3 days prior to the due date. On the evening that items are due, the library will renew your items provided they don't have a hold on them, or they haven't been renewed twice already.
If items are 6 days overdue the library will contact you by email, SMS or letter, depending on what you have specified. When items are 28 days overdue the library will send you a letter with the replacement costs.