Stawell Library

The Stawell Library is now back home at 7-9 Sloane Street. 

Come and check out the newly refurbished building featuring a new multipurpose room, public kitchenette and fresh new look.
We offer the perfect spot to sit, read, research or to catch up for a quiet conversation with friends. 


Storytime: 10.30am Thursdays and Fridays. 
Cuppa Chat: Wednesdays 2.30pm - come in and have a cuppa, chat with new acquaintances, connect with others. 

You can print, scan, and photocopy at our libraries.
We can also provide basic device advice. 

Don't forget to check out our holiday activities.

....and explore everything else that we have on offer. There's always lots to do at the library!

Please call the library during the usual open hours for all enquiries on 03 5358 1274.


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