Hair, Beauty, Tattooing and Skin Penetration Business

The Department of Health and Human Services has recently released the new infection control guidelines for the hair, beauty, tattooing and skin penetration industries. The new guidelines replace the health guidelines for personal care and body art industries that were released in 2004. 

The information on this page is summarised in conjunction with the new guidelines to help the business owners in the hair, beauty, tattooing and skin penetration industries to comply with requirements in the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008 (the PHWA 2008) and the Public Health and Wellbeing Regulations 2019.

If you are planning on taking over a business in an existing premises, you will need to ensure the premises has current registration with the local council. You will need to apply to transfer the registration into your name before you can start trading. If you plan to start your business in a new premises, you should consult with the council's Business Enabling department to discuss the proposal before you choose a site. Business Enabling has a dedicated team to help guide your business through the application process.

Note: Massage or muscle stimulation businesses are not required to be registered by local government but they are still required to follow the guidelines relevant to their industry.


On-going registration

Hairdressing services include cutting hair with scissors or razors, colouring and styling hair.

Low-risk beauty therapy includes the application of temporary make-up, henna tattoos, spray tans, eyelash and eyebrow tinting.

The proprietors of the hairdressing and low-risk beauty therapy business premises will be required to apply for new business registration and accompanied by an on-going application fee if a new business or business premises moves location or transfers their business to a third party.

The business premises will be inspected prior to granting an on-going registration. Council will continue to conduct a visit to the business premises if any complaints are received once an on-going registration is granted.

Periodic registration

If proprietors offer any of the following services, the business premises will be required to continue to renew their registration annually by 31 December, accompanied by a periodic registration fee and council will conduct an annual inspection prior to renewing the registration:

  • Tattooing
  • Piercing or other skin penetration service, such as ear piercing
  • Colonic irrigation
  • Beauty therapy services, such as permanent or semi-permanent make-up application (cosmetic tattooing), facial or body treatments, manicure/pedicures and other nail treatment, application or mending of artificial nails, or hair removal by electrolysis or wax.

If you need assistance with starting, running or growing your business, please visit our Business Enabling webpage.

If you are ready to apply for a new permit, please visit The Process for Obtaining a New Permit to start your business application process.


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