We are seeking expressions of interest from people who would like to explore the option of running a formal competition at the Stawell Sports and Aquatic Centre. If you are interested, please add your details to the form below and we'll be in contact should there be enough support.
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The Northern Grampians Shire Council Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan is a vital piece of our community planning. This important document maps out the direction our community takes in terms of its health and wellbeing for the next four years.
To develop the plan, we engaged with a range of community organisations and individuals to ensure the content is reflective of the wants, needs and concerns of the wider Northern Grampians community.
Using the latest data, we identified four priorities that are key to ensuring the ongoing health and wellbeing of our residents. These priority areas form the foundation for the plan, and the associated strategies and outcomes:
For a second consecutive edition of the document, we have included an objective based around the needs of our children. Our young people will grow to become leaders so it is imperative that we ensure they inherit a shire that is focused upon our collective health and wellbeing.
To view the plan, please download the document below.