We are seeking expressions of interest from people who would like to explore the option of running a formal competition at the Stawell Sports and Aquatic Centre. If you are interested, please add your details to the form below and we'll be in contact should there be enough support.
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The Fire Services Property Levy is a state government charge that was previously included on insurance premiums. It is now being collected by local government as part of your rates.
Council collects the levy in our municipality and all money goes directly to the state government.
The levy is payable on all Victorian property, including council owned property.
The levy is made up of two components:
1. A fixed charge of $132 for residential properties and $267 for non-residential properties.
2. A variable charge based on the property's capital improved value (as shown on your rate notice).
The levy is listed as a separate item on your rate notice and you can pay it with your rates.
There is a $50 concession for eligible pensioners and veterans. Property owners who currently receive a pension rate concession on their principal place of residence will automatically receive the FSPL concession.
To learn more about the Fire Services Property Levy, please visit the State Revenue Office website To find out approximately how much you will be contributing, you can use the Fire Services Property Levy calculator here>>>