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Northern Grampians Shire Council is able to provide select VicRoads services through our Stawell and St Arnaud Customer Service Centres.
All payments by cash, EFTPOS, Credit Card or cheque only. Please note that birth extracts are no longer acceptable as identification documents, a full birth certificate from Births, Deaths and Marriages should be ordered and received before a Learner Driver Test is booked.
In Stawell, we are able to provide the following:
We cannot process change of address We cannot accept vehicle transfers We cannot register Club Cars We cannot accept Taxi Directorate Certificate renewals We cannot lift defect notices (refer to St Arnaud Office - with a Victorian Roadworthy Certificate) We cannot issue unregistered vehicle permits We cannot book appointments for P Plate Test and Drive
All Payments by cash, EFTPOS, Credit Card or cheque only.
Please note that birth extracts are no longer acceptable as identification, a full birth certificate from Births, Deaths and Marriages should be ordered and received before Learner Driver Test is booked.
We cannot register vehicles over 4.5 tonnes We cannot issue unregistered vehicle permits We cannot lift minor defect notices without Victorian Roadworthy Certificate We cannot process Marine Safety Certificates for boat licences. These should be taken to a main office. We have no access to VicRoads computer, so We cannot process vehicle registration transfer We cannot process club permit registrations We cannot process driver's licence endorsements We cannot book appointments for P Plate test and drive We cannot take Taxi Certificate Renewals
Visit the VicRoads website for change of personal details, replacement of driver's licence, customised plate orders, practice Learner Tests and to check out the new Learner Permit Test Online.