Stawell Sports and Aquatic Centre - Opening hours

Centre Staffed Hours

Monday to Friday: 6am to 7pm

Saturday: 9am to 1pm

Sunday: 1pm to 5pm

Aquatic Operating Hours


Monday: 6am to 11am, 12.30pm to 1.30pm is our quiet hour (no lap swimmers), 1.30pm to 7pm

Tuesday to Friday: 6am to 11am, 1.30pm to 7pm

Saturday: 9am to 1pm

Sunday:1pm to 5pm


Monday to Friday: 6am to 9am, 4pm to 7pm

Saturday: 9am to 1pm

Sunday:1pm to 5pm

Outdoor Pool Cold Weather Policy

When the forecast temperature is under 24 degrees for the following day, the outdoor pool will only be open from 6am to 9am Monday to Friday and will be closed on weekends. 

When the forecast temperature is 35 degrees or over for the following day, the outdoor pool will only be open 6am to 9am and 12pm to 8pm Monday to Friday, 9am to 8pm Saturday and 12pm to 8pm on Sundays.

Please note - this decision is made at 5pm the day prior and the aquatic space may close earlier depending on patronage.

Please check out our Facebook page for recent updates and further information.