Casual sessions of Pickleball take place on our indoor basketball court with up to four games being able to be played at once. The regular sessions are available every day, excluding Public Holidays:
- Tuesday mornings between 10am and 12pm
- Thursday afternoons between 5pm and 7pm
- Saturday mornings between 9:30am and 11:30am
Sessions are $5 per person and no booking are required, simply show up at one of the times above and join in on the fun. No previous pickleball experience is required and all the equipment is provided for you. There's also an amazing bunch of people who play every week and who would warmly welcome any new faces, so why not pop along one day and give it a try. They will also teach you the rules!
Pickleball is available to be played outside of these times pending court availability and other bookings.
If you're interested in giving it a go but want to chat with someone more about it, please give the centre a call on (03) 5358 0550 or drop us an email at
Competition EOI form coming soon! We're putting the feelers out to see if anyone would be interested in joining a comp, so stay tuned for further details.

PICKLEBALL | A poem by Ron Lazones
There’s a new game in town,
That’ll take away your frown,
It’s a game for players of all ages,
Abilities, backgrounds and stages.
It’s played indoors or out,
It’ll make you want to shout,
It’s a little bit like tennis,
But its smaller court isn’t a menace.
Singles or doubles, competition or fun,
It’s great to play and have a run,
Underarm serving and no volley zone,
Confused by the scoring, you’re not alone.
But once you get the hang of it,
You won’t feel like a twit,
Laughter, belonging and friendship,
Are rewards of playing with mate-ship.
Young or old, fast or slow,
It’s called Pickleball, so give it a go,
We who play regularly, can’t get enough,
Come and join us, it’s not that tough.