Halls Gap Botanic Garden School Rd, Halls Gap 3381 A most relaxing place to be. Type : Museums and Cultural Spaces
St Arnaud & District Historical Society Inc 12 Napier Street, St Arnaud 3478 St Arnaud Historical Society and Museum collects, maintains and preserves donated significant items relating to the history of St Arnaud and District. These items are displayed at the Museum,( Turncocks residence 1883) Historic Fire station, Geyer Cottage and Archives. Type : Museums and Cultural Spaces
Stawell Agricultural Society Inc. 78 Patrick Street, Stawell 3380 The Stawell Agricultural Society hosts the Annual Stawell Show and the Monthly Show Market. Type : Museums and Cultural Spaces
Stawell Historical Society 44 - 46 Longfield Street, Stawell 3380 A Museum and Research Centre dedicated to preserving and sharing the rich history of Stawell Type : Museums and Cultural Spaces
Stawell Vanuatu Community 11 Bennett Street, Stawell 3380 We are a Volunteering community group that would like to help other groups and organisations. Type : Our Creatives and Art GalleriesMuseums and Cultural SpacesChurchesCommunity centresSocial groups and Special interest clubs
WAMA Cnr Neal Road and Halls Gap - Ararat Road, Halls Gap, Halls Gap 3381 Nestled in the Grampians/Gariwerd foothills, WAMA is set to be Australia’s premier art and environment destination.We will soon welcome you to visit our gallery, shop and cafe at the National Centre for Environmental Art and to explore our Jallukar Native Grasslands and Endemic Botanic GardenWAMA will open to the public in early 2025. Type : Our Creatives and Art GalleriesMuseums and Cultural Spaces