St Arnaud Tourism Action Plan


St Arnaud Tourism Action Plan Project

The St Arnaud Tourism Action Plan was identified by the community in the St Arnaud Community Plan. 

The Action Plan will identify the vision and aspirations for growing tourism in St Arnaud and surrounds over the next five years.

The project aims to build a strong and competitive visitor offering in St Arnaud.

Council has appointed DTM Tourism (DTM) to deliver the project. DTM and council will work with our community in developing the Tourism Action Plan, set to grow the visitor economy.

Desired Project Outcomes

  • To grow the tourism economy across the shire
  • To establish a shared vision of St Arnaud and surrounds visitor economy and enable the coordinated delivery of key actions
  • To increase the competitiveness of St Arnaud as a visitor destination and enable strong promotion, levering off existing opportunities
  • To grow jobs and visitor spend in Northern Grampians
  • To unlock and facilitate opportunities for private sector investment in the tourism offering.

Project Timeline

Step 1.Key tourism stakeholder engagement

Late November - Early December 2021

Step 2.Community engagement

Mid December 2021 - Mid January 2022

Step 3.Review and present DRAFT Action Plan to council to endorse for public comment

April 2022

Step 4.Community Feedback and Comment on DRAFT Action Plan

April - May 2022

Step 5.Endorsed by council

July 2022

Step 6.Implementation

July 2022 onwards

Engagement Timeline

Step 1.Key Tourism Stakeholder Engagement: Late November - Early December 2021

Key tourism stakeholders will be contacted directly by DTM, the project consultants.

Step 2.Community Survey: Mid December 2021 -  Mid January 2022

The survey will be made available online.

Step 3.Interactive mapping tool: Mid January - Mid February 2022

Drop a pin on the Pozi map detailing the locations of key tourism opportunities/challenges. 

Step 4.Community Presentation: Early February 2022

Community presentation at St Arnaud Town Hall to gather feedback on the DRAFT action plan. 

Step 5.Individual group written submissions:

Written submissions are welcome in hard copy to:


Step 6.Community Feedback and Comment on DRAFT Action Plan

April - May 2022



Background Information

Community engagement work was undertaken in 2019 to create the St Arnaud Community Plan 2020-30.

The need to grow tourism in St Arnaud came out of this work and the St Arnaud Tourism Strategy was a priority project that was identified by the community.

The Strategy project was planned to co-ordinate and capitalise on the existing assets of St Arnaud and surrounds. These assets include the gold mine trail, heritage buildings,  indigenous heritage, Chinese heritage, historic sites, silo art, murals, exhibitions, parks and gardens. 

The Council Plan 2021-25 action to Deliver a St Arnaud Tourism Action Plan covers off this work.

The Action Plan project also aligns with the Economic Development Strategy and Action Plan 2021-31. With a well planned local tourism strategy, a high quality visitor experience can significantly benefit the local economy.   





Mid Project Update January 2022

Step 1.St Arnaud Tourism Action Plan: Project Update January 2022

The St Arnaud Tourism Action Plan will identify the vision and aspirations for growing tourism in St Arnaud and surrounds over the next five years. The project aims to build a strong and competitive visitor offering in St Arnaud.

The project so far:

Step 2.Stage 1 - Consultation

The St Arnaud Tourism Action Plan consulting process is now well underway. Site visits to key tourism locations have been undertaken, an online community survey has recently been completed and 1st round stakeholder interviews have been conducted. Additional consultations are to be scheduled as DTM (the consultants) consolidate their initial findings.

During the consultation phase of this project, the project team have sought to understand how the community values tourism and the appetite for investment in tourism development. Initial gaps in tourism services have been identified and community input has been sought to prioritise potential developments.

Background research has been undertaken to identify unique points of difference for the St Arnaud region. The aim is to capitalise on these unique strengths, creating a clear value perception for St Arnaud which not only resonates with the community, but provides a clear representation of the region’s tourism value when visitors are considering travelling through the wider Grampians area.

Step 3.What We’ve Learned So Far

The St Arnaud region has a rich HERITAGE story to tell, which is valued at a local level and is of significance to Victoria’s Goldrush history. The ability to find information prior to arriving in St Arnaud though is challenging and a focus to sharing these stories online with tourism destination marketers, will allow potential visitors to value St Arnaud’s heritage and plan to stay longer.

When potential visitors have a perception of heritage value for St Arnaud, they will seek reinforcement of that experience on arrival. First impressions at each end of Napier Street will be important to consider in St Arnaud’s tourism future through a focus to heritage preservation which is complemented by quality retail, activated linger zones and public art.

The artistic community in the St Arnaud region is contributing a new, visual vibrancy to St Arnaud’s town centre and there is more to reveal. A focus to ARTISAN culture elevates consumer appreciation of the social fabric of town. It creates a perception that artistic creation in St Arnaud is skilled, contemporary and bold. It is an opportunity to create some intrigue around a town with an intriguing name.

Whilst we are seeking to create a point of difference for the St Arnaud region, we also recognise the visitors will be motivated to come to the Grampians region, motivated by NATURE-BASED experiences. The community places a high importance on the natural environment and particularly in water-based leisure activity. Our aim will be to create linkages in nature experiences that will connect the region to the visitor demands and trends that drive visitation to the Grampians, making St Arnaud a consideration on a Grampians soft-adventure itinerary.

In an agricultural community, we have identified that current AGRITOURISM experiences are limited. However, the profile of visitors to the Grampians have an expectation that they will experience local food and wine production, may have an opportunity to experience a farm-stay to understand the economy of the region and connect with a way of life in rural communities. Creating opportunities for agritourism is an authentic opportunity for visitors to value the region.

Step 4.What’s Next…

The project is now entering the 2nd stage where all learnings from the consultation process and site visits will be consolidated. During this phase, we will develop concepts for tourism development projects, identifying ‘5 Game Changers’ for the St Arnaud region aligning to the strategy areas: HERITAGE, ARTISAN, NATURE-BASED and AGRITOURISM.

Step 5.Have your Say....

The discussion paper for the St Arnaud Tourism Action Plan is due for delivery to the NGSC in mid January 2022 and will be made available for public comment shortly thereafter.

Online Comments Wall

We are now calling on the community's help to test the 'Five Game Changers' for the St Arnaud region.

Note: Zoom out to see the Fifth 'Game Changer' - Teddington Reservior

Visit the online comments wall here to have your say, including:

  • If you like the ‘Game Changing’ idea
  • How you would like to see ideas developed.

Also available in paper format from Customer Service Desk at St Arnaud Town Hall.

Community Forum

The purpose of the Community Forum is to give an update on the initial round of consultation and to seek further comment on the concepts for tourism development. This is also an opportunity for the community to share their ideas about Brand 'St Arnaud'.

Community Forum from 7pm - 9pm on 15 February 2022
Stewart Hall, St Arnaud Town Hall, St Arnaud  

Community members can also log in online via MS Teams (The Forum will be moved online if required due to public health measures). Participants in the Community Forum will need to show proof of full vaccination to the Covid Marshall, wear a mask unless exempt and check in with QR code as per public health directions.

Click here to join the meeting