Planning Amendment C63ngra

Northern Grampians Shire Council is seeking community feedback on a proposed Planning Scheme Amendment, C63ngra.

Folders of the amendment and permit documentation will be publicly available for inspection at the:

Stawell Town Hall
59-69 Main Street, Stawell VIC 3380

Stawell Library
Corner of Patrick and Sloane Street, Stawell 3380

What is Amendment C63ngra? 

Amendment C63ngra proposes to change the Northern Grampians Planning Scheme so several parcels of land on the south-east edge of Stawell can be used for residential development rather than for rural living. This will help provide more housing options close to Stawell. The largest change is to land being rezoned into Neighbourhood Residential Zone from Rural Living Zone 2.

See file 'C63ngra Proposed Planning Overlay Maps' below for a map of the proposed rezoning.

What will this impact?

A large majority of the site is already zoned for residential development. This change will allow for additional lots and create space for public open space and roads. A portion of the land will remain Rural Living Zone 2 (termed as a 'superlot') to preserve it for future needs (such as commercial uses).

The tangible impact of the land on neighbours and residents of Stawell will be limited as the fundamental use of the site is not changing.

However, it will significantly unlock the ability for the land to be developed and sold for housing, easing the pressure on the town for appropriate housing.

Submissions (Updated 8 August 2023)

Submissions closed 5pm, Monday 7 August and the exhibition period has ended. Thank you to all who submitted. Council will now review and consider the submissions received

Two submissions were received. Both did not object to the amendment.
Redacted submissions can be found here:

Redacted submission #1(PDF, 351KB)

Redacted submission #2(PDF, 289KB)

Enquiries may still be made through the staff below.

For any questions on this Planning Scheme Amendment please contact Council's Strategic Planning Team:

Kate Alder, Strategic Planner
Phone: 03 5358 9017

David Hwang, Coordinator Community Futures
Phone: 03 5358 8793